Wherein members of an environment share its belief in the power of collective learning,
thus increasing the potential of both the individual and the group.
In early 2018 after decades of failure, I took my last $300 and started a Custom Tailoring brand.
The brand made over $1 million in sales that year.
This platform has been developed to explore my methods as well as the methods of other successful tailors.
To serve as a resource for current and aspiring tailors.
The concept is simple:
1) You ask questions.
2) I will provide qualified answers.
Questions are answered openly in a Q&A forum so that all members can view and receive the Collective Benefit.
*Optionally, you can request to schedule voice calls for Individual Consult.
I’ve realized incredible brand growth, due in part to relationships with fabric mills, tailors, and custom garment manufacturers.
Members of the Collective may access our Full Range of Production Resources.
For the love of Tailoring.

Limited to 100 Members.